Your Slack Profile 👤

<aside> 🎯 Your Slack profile is how you brand yourself in front of the M^2 Club members.


Make sure you have your profile updated at all times:

  1. Add a professional profile picture
  2. Add your bio
    1. Examples: Founder @ XYZ, Growth @ ABC or Digital Marketing Consultant
  3. Add your Masterclass Cohort (may2023, June2023, July2023 etc)
  4. Add a small introduction
    1. A line or two which gives fam members a quick summary about you
  5. Social Media links
    1. LinkedIn or Twitter

<aside> ⚠️ Use the Desktop app to ensure you get access to all fields.


Example of completed Slack Profiles

Note: In case your Slack profile is not updated, M^2 Club reserves the right to deactivate the account without notice.

More you give, more you get 💌

<aside> 📱 Download the Slack mobile app to stay updated!


We at M^2 Club wish to build the most positive and helpful learning community.

From the Club, we have seen members get:

  1. solutions for business problems they were facing
  2. connections in companies they wish to work
  3. mentors for their professional journeys
  4. good friends for life